What Does SIP-TI Mean ?

SIP-TI is a combination of Term Insurance with SIP in mutual funds. Term insurance is the type of life insurance that comes with a fixed term. At the same time, SIP is Systematic Investment Plan which allows consumers to invest in mutual funds in a disciplined manner. SIP-TI from Sahi Insurance combines the policies mentioned above so that the user can get protection from a good life insurance policy and enjoy hefty returns on completion of the policy term.

How Does SIP-TI Work ?

For those interested in getting term insurance, there is a premium amount for the pre-decided period of the policy term. The policy providers invest this premium amount in SIP mutual funds for a defined period. When the mutual fund gives a return, then the required premium amount for term insurance gets deducted automatically, leaving the rest of the gained return amount for the policyholder. Thus, with SIP-TI, you get life insurance coverage of a defined term + and return from the SIP mutual fund investing. This amazing return capability makes SIP-TI our best product.

Why SIP-TI ?

SIP-TI is the authentic product Sahi Insurance brings to its customers by understanding the importance of investing in the right insurance. With SIP-TI, you won’t only have to pay for normal life insurance but can also receive great returns when the term gets completed. Here are the reasons why choosing SIP-TI is the best option for you

Calculate your  SIP-TI ?

Invested amount 0
Estimated Gain amount 0
Total amount 0