Shripriya Rathi

About Me

Meet Shripriya Rathi, the founder of Sahi Bima (Sahi Insurance), a startup that is revolutionizing the way we think about insurance.


About Shripriya

Welcome to Sahi Bima, where a commitment to excellence and a passion for safeguarding the future converge. At the helm of this visionary endeavour is Shripriya Rathi, a dynamic leader whose unwavering dedication to innovation has shaped Sahi Bima into a trusted name in the insurance industry.

Shripriya embarked on this journey with a vision to redefine the insurance landscape and to not only provides comprehensive coverage but also places a premium on customer-centric services.

Shripriya’s passion for safeguarding lives and assets is the driving force behind Sahi Bima. She understands that insurance is not just about policies; it’s about peace of mind and a promise to stand by our clients in times of need.

She believes in building lasting relationships with clients by offering personalized solutions and ensuring that their experiences with Sahi Bima are nothing short of exceptional.

A true innovator, shripriya has instilled a culture of continuous improvement within the company. Her forward-thinking approach has led to the integration of cutting-edge technologies and streamlined processes, ensuring that Sahi Bima remains ahead of the curve in a rapidly changing world.

Shripriya remains dedicated to shaping a future where individuals and businesses can confidently face the unknown, secure in the knowledge that Sahi Bima has their back.